AARAI Survey Results

AARAI Survey Results

Dear AARAI Members,

Thank you for taking part in our recent survey! The survey is now closed, but your feedback has provided us with valuable insights into how we can better serve our members.

Below is a detailed breakdown of the survey results as well as our plans moving forward.

1. How Active Are Our Members?

  • 40% never or almost never operate.
  • 48% operate at least once a week.


A large percentage of our members are not able to actively operate, but are still interested in ham radio and electronics experimenting. We will work to provide content and opportunities that interest both the active and inactive subgroups of our membership.

2. What Type of Activities Interest Our Members?

  • 63% enjoy casual contacts & rag chewing.
  • 49% are interested in emergency communication skills.
  • 32% are interested in educational workshops & experimentation.


Emergency communications and educational activities are top priorities for our members. We will focus on expanding our offerings in these areas over the coming weeks and months.

3. What Resources or Support Are Lacking?

  • 42% want better communication from AARAI.
  • 31% request emergency communications training.
  • 29% would like an AARAI web forum for community engagement.


We will work to enhance our communication with members and provide opportunities for emergency communications training. I will also be looking into a dedicated web forum for AARAI member discussion.

4. How Can We Improve Communication?

  • 76% prefer regular email newsletters.
  • 25% are interested in an AARAI YouTube channel.
  • 24% want a private web forum for discussions.


Email newsletters will continue to be our primary communication channel, and we will make every effort to post at least monthly, if not more frequently. We will also work to incorporate YouTube tutorials as well as a discussion forum for our members in the near future.

5. Most Requested Training Programs

  • 54% want to learn how to assist with communication in an emergency.
  • 31% want training on how to use and set up an HF radio station for long-distance communication.
  • 29% are interested in HF digital modes.
  • 28% want training in Winlink (Ham Radio email).
  • 28% want to learn how to use Linux to run free ham radio programs.
  • 28% would like to know how to receive NOAA weather satellite images for free.
  • 24% want to learn how to experiment and learn with an inexpensive SDR radio.
  • 21% are interested in how to use the ARDEN Mesh Network (Ham Radio Data Network).
  • 19% would like training on how to set up a free VoIP phone server for emergency communications.
  • 17% want to learn how to make satellite contacts and/or contact the ISS.
  • 13% are interested in how to launch and track PICO balloons.
  • 13% would like to know how to find hidden transmitters (fox hunting).


Thank you for your feedback in these areas. The topics with the highest interest above will be prioritized in our upcoming educational efforts.

6. Strategies for Growth & Member Retention

  • 76% suggest outreach through Pathfinder groups.
  • 39% suggest creating YouTube content and tutorial materials.


We are implementing ideas to increase partnership and recruitment among Pathfinders, as well as a major focus on online educational content. Stay tuned!

7. Leadership Satisfaction

  • 75% feel leadership is doing great.
  • 15% believe leadership could improve.
  • 10% have ideas and are willing to help.


We’re encouraged by the positive feedback and are humbly open to improvement. If you have ideas or would like to contribute, we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch with me at [email protected].

Next Steps & Action Plan

Training & Education:

• Launch emergency communication training workshops. If we have any members with expertise in the field of emergency communications who would like to help us organize and train our members in this area, please contact me at [email protected].
• Organize training tutorials for our members.

Communication & Engagement:

• Regularly deliver newsletter content and develop a YouTube training channel.
• Explore options for an AARAI web forum.

Outreach & Growth:

• Increase outreach efforts through Pathfinder groups.
• Develop online educational content for attracting new members.

We sincerely appreciate your input and are excited to implement the improvements you suggested! Thank you for being part of the AARAI community. If you have any further suggestions or would like to get involved, please reach out at [email protected].

Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming events!

Randy Steffens II, NC8U

Randall Steffens II

Randall Steffens II

AARAI Vice President NC8U

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