Central California Adventist Amateur Radio Association (CCARA)
2820 Willow Avenue, Clovis, CA
Frequency: UHF - 440.925 +PL 141.3, VHF linked with 146.610 - offset
Fresno Adventist Amateur Radio Club (AARC)
Net on Sunday night check-in on 146.610 -offset No Tone at 6:40 pm; Bert Doyle / WB6QDM, Net Control
Trustees: Stanley Hall / W6OWT
Loma Linda University Amateur Radio Club (LLU ARC)
Club meetings monthly, the second Sunday of each month, at 0800 hours in the Schuman Pavilion room 605 A&B of Loma Linda University Medical Center.
Club Website:
Porterville Adventist Amateur Radio Network, KJ6SHX (PAARN)
Trustee: Wendell Paypa, AE6WR
Frequency: UHF - 443.925 + PL 141.3; VHF - frequency pending; HF - AARAI Net frequencies
President: Frankie Vazquez, KJ6REG; Vice President: John Emde, KJ6RIV; Secretary: Cynthia Paypa, N6COV
Wendell and his team frequently conduct radio classes and exams in the Porterville/Bakersfield area. Please contact him if interested at [email protected].
Southern California Adventist Amateur Radio Club (KK6EQJ)
Trustee: Nager Ornopia KK6CEZ President: Ronell Batulayan KK6CEV
Greater Collegedale Adventist Radio Club (GCARC)
Club meetings are held on the first Thursday in February, May, September, and December at 7:30 pm at the McDonald Road SDA Church, 5440 McDonald Road, McDonald, TN.
Net at Thursday night check-in on 147.000 +offset Tone 131.8 at 7:00 pm; Bruce Calkins / KV4OE, Net Manager
Club Website:
Northwest Adventist Amateur Radio Association (NAARA)
Club Website:
GLAA Amateur Radio Club, KD8EEA
Club Station is on the campus of Great Lakes Adventist Academy in the chemistry classroom. Open to anyone interested in amateur radio. Come to the Michigan Conference Camp Meeting and take a class to get your Technician license, or upgrade to General or Extra. Local repeater 146.800 - no tone, WB8VWK/R. Trustee Dave Carter, KA1HDG.