In our recent survey, emergency communications (EmComm) training emerged as a top priority among members. So we've sifted through various educational materials and gathered some valuable EmComm resources to help you get started and become better prepared for emergency communication and public service events.
The ARRL offers two excellent, free, EmComm courses designed specifically for amateur radio operators. You can progress through the material at your leisure. I'm currently working through the coursework myself, and can highly recommend it!
Available Courses:
1. Basic EmComm
2. Intermediate EmComm
You do not need to be an ARRL member to participate—simply create a free account to access the training courses.
How to Get Started:
- Visit the links above.
- Create your free ARRL account if you haven't already.
- Complete the courses at your convenience.
The courses above will equip you with foundational knowledge and skills. If you are enjoying what you are learning, you might want to go ahead and quality for ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) membership. This typically involves taking an additional 5, free online courses, although the precise coursework prerequisites are ultimately up to the local ARES chapter you wish to join.
3 - FEMA Introduction to the Incident Command System IS-100.c-ICS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System
4 - FEMA Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response IS-200.c-ICS-200 for Single Incidents and Initial Action Incidents
5 - FEMA National Incident Management System IS-700.b NIMS: An Introduction
6 - FEMA National Response Framework IS-800.c National Response Framework
For those who finish the coursework, please email [email protected] and let me know. If you wish, we'll include you in a database of trained club members who are willing and available to assist with communications during emergencies. If there is sufficient interest in completing the training material, we may look into holding regular AARAI EmComm drills.
Feel free to reach out if you have questions or need assistance!
God Bless and 73,
Randall Steffens II, NC8U